school counselor realizes that classroom instructional time is precious
to all classroom teachers but it is essential that some classroom time
be used to target all students when topics are relevant to all high school students.
As a result, the counselor will try to provide ample advance notice when visiting classrooms.
In addition to better integrate counseling curriculum within the classroom teacher's daily curriculum and allow classroom teachers more flexibility, the counselor will provide a menu of topics that he/she can provide to the class. This way the classroom teacher can plan ahead as to what topics are relevant to the core curriculum and at what time.
Some of the counseling curricula the school counselor can deliver include but is not limited to:
Graduation requirements
Oxford High School academic policies
Test anxiety
Career awareness
College awareness
Knowing oneself
Understanding and expressing feelings
Communication skills
Goal setting
Self motivation
Developing an understanding of others
Stress reduction
Anger management
difficult topics (death, suicide, sexual abuse, date rape, racism, safe
sex, harassment, bullying, cyber bullying, drug abuse)
Under "Documents" you will find a menu of topics that teachers use to schedule the school counselor for a visit to his/her classroom.